
“Reinvent yourself as an expression of pure love.”
-Gala Darling

I’m a twenty-something graduating university student living in The Big City. Lately I’ve really related to the expression “today is the first day of the rest of your life,” as if I’m crossing a chasm dividing the past from my future. I have so many options in front of me and this is both exhilarating and terrifying.

It’s easy to go through life in a haze, day by day just letting things happening to us, as if we are fated to be a certain person and live a certain life. The truth is that this is a fantasy. We are creating ourselves with every breath we take, every thought we think and every choice we make.  We are never finished.  We are always becoming and we are always shaping our experience of the world.  On some level I’ve known this for a long time, my whole life probably. But recently I was inspired to live it. Motivated partially by my existentialism class and a sense of personal stagnation I decided it was time to “live out loud” as Kris Carr says; to become the person I want to be.

This means taking ultimate responsibility for my life, recognizing that I am the only one in control of my world and taking action to embody the person I desire to be. I want to spark a romance with myself; to develop a profound love and acceptance of myself; to give myself the self-care I need to be the most vibrant person I can be; to practice mindfulness so that I may be alive in every moment, find beauty wherever I am; cultivate joy; seek out adventure; proliferate laughter and write my heart out in the process.

Of course you can’t just completely transform your life through a single act of will. As much control as we have over our lives being these kinds of changes take time and effort.  This is my refuge to explore and share this adventure. I’m calling it my journey to “radical self love” and “totally blissed out!” I hope you’ll join me.


2 responses to “About

  1. So excited you decided to start a blog Sarah! It’s awesome that you feel like you’re coming out of a haze and taking control of your life. I felt like that just before and while I started my blog.

    I can’t wait to read more! P.S., your picture is adorable!

  2. Hey Sarah, you want to come out of the haze for good? See the truth. You don’t exist. There is no you living your life, just life living itself.

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